1-Day Professional Development Workshops

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Behaviourbuilders is now offering a unique opportunity to professionals who work with students with diverse learning needs. Students in psychology, education or related field, ABA therapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, LSAs, parents and caregivers have now the opportunity to participate in 1-day hands-on workshops in topics of interest (+- 4 hours).

Workshop topics:

  1. The “why” of behaviours. Identifying the functions or different behaviors
  2. I know the “why” of the behavior.. now what? Designing intervention plans to decrease “difficult” behaviors
  3. Behavior techniques Toolkit : Handy ABA-based techniques for everyday use
  4. Using ABA techniques to increase positive behaviors and enhance learning
  5. Learning support Q&A using ABA techniques. Follow up interactive meeting

Contact me at behaviourbuiders@gmail.com, to design together a topic of interest.


100 euro/pp./per Day excl. VAT. If attending in all 4 days then free walk in, in in the follow up meeting

Location: Leiden Schipholweg 103

For agencies: In-house training available