Practical Info

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Some services offered by our practice are covered by the PGB budget for Begeleiding and Behandeling (subsidy).
Also some services might be covered by some international Health Care Insurances. Please contact your insurance company to find out what applies to your situation. Behaviourbuilders currently does not work directly with insurance companies.

Hourly rate
1:1 Sessions are charged in an hourly rate. Also, required correspondence and consultation with parents, schools and other professionals, school and parent meetings, home and school visits, assessment and report writing, program update and ICP development are charged per hourly rate too.

Cancellation policy
Sessions cancelled at least 24 hours in. advance won’t be charged. Sessions that were not canceled at least 24hours in advance will will be fully charged.

Some services offered by our practice are covered by the PGB budget for Begeleiding and Behandeling (subsidy). Also some services might be covered by some international Health Care Insurances. Please contact your insurance company to find out what applies to your situation. Behaviour builders currently does not work directly with insurance companies. Private payment is possible. Please contacts us as fees depend on type and duration of sessions and special fees may apply to your situation ( student, unemployment).

Individual therapy (adults) 50 minutes
Individual therapy (children & adolescents) 40/45 minutes
Family session 60/90minutes